Here’s the revised blog post for iOS 18:

Apple’s iOS 18 Update: What’s New with My Apps?

Apple dropped its latest version of iOS, the software that powers your iPhone and iPad: iOS 18!

Thankfully, the update didn’t cause many issues with my apps.
Here’s the current compatibility with iOS 18:

Daily Sage:
Version 1.6.2 operates normally on iOS 15, 16, 17, and now iOS 18 (on iPhone and iPad).
While I hoped to introduce new features in 2023, things didn’t go as planned. However, I’m optimistic those updates will debut in 2024! 🤞🏻

Unfortunately, the current version remains incompatible with iOS 15, 16, 17, and now iOS 18. 😒
I’m still working on the update, but it’s taken a backseat to some other priorities.
Version 2 is being completely rewritten with an all-new design. TimeCruncher 2.0 will comply with Apple’s latest standards and include some of the most requested features when released. 🥳

If you’d like to be notified when it’s available, you can sign up for my (occasional) email updates. Just use the sign-up form on the right-hand side of this post. 👉🏻

Thanks for your patience, and stay tuned for more!

In September, Apple dropped its latest iOS update: iOS 17!

I apologize for not posting an update sooner. It’s been a little nutty. 😵‍💫
Thankfully, the update didn’t cause a lot of issues with my apps; here’s the current compatibility with iOS 17… 

Daily Sage:
Version 1.6.2 operates normally on iOS 15, 16, and 17 (for both iPhone and iPad).
While I had hoped to add some new features in 2023, the universe had other plans. Those feature updates will hopefully debut in 2024! 🤞🏻

Unfortunately, the current version is incompatible with iOS 15,16, and 17. 😒

I’m still working on an update, but it’s taken a backseat to some other projects.

Version 2 is written from the ground up and includes an all-new design.
When released, “TimeCruncher 2.0” will meet Apple’s newest compliance requirements and introduce a few requested features. 🥳

If you’d like to be notified when it’s available, consider signing up for my (occasional) email updates.
You’ll find a sign-up block on the right-hand side of this post. 👉🏻

Another year and another iOS update! 🙌🏻
Here are my current apps and their compatibility with iOS 16… 

Daily Sage:

Version 1.6.2 operates on iOS 15 and iOS 16 as expected (for both iPhone and iPad).
Other updates and features are coming in 2023! 👏🏻👏🏻


Unfortunately, the current version is incompatible with iOS 15 and iOS 16. 😒

I’m still working on version 2, but it’s still not ready.

Version 2 is written from the ground up and includes an all-new design.
When released, “TimeCruncher 2.0” will meet Apple’s newest compliance requirements and introduce a few requested features. 🥳

If you’d like to be notified when it’s available, consider signing up for my (occasional) email updates.

You’ll find a sign-up block on the right-hand side of this post. 👉🏻

Another year and another iOS update! 🙌🏻
Here is a list of my apps and their compatibility with iOS 15. 

Daily Sage:

Version 1.6.2 (for both iPhone and iPad) operates on iOS 15 as expected.


Unfortunately, the current version is incompatible with iOS 15. 😒

I’m actively working on version 2, and while I was hoping to have the new version available before iOS 15 was released, or (at the very least) by the end of this calendar year, it’s still not ready.

Version 2 is written from the ground up and includes an all-new design.
When released, “TimeCruncher 2.0” will meet Apple’s newest compliance requirements and introduce a few requested features. 🥳

If you’d like to be notified when it’s available, consider signing up for my (occasional) email updates.

You’ll find a sign-up block on the right-hand side of this post. 👉🏻


TBH, I’m bummed to announce that Knowtify is being depreciated.
The app will no longer be available for sale as of January 1, 2022.

After deliberation, it seemed best to table development and focus efforts on other applications.

Knowtify was developed to help people alert friends and family that they arrived home safely. Sadly, my best (marketing) efforts weren’t enough to give it the life it deserved. 🤦🏻‍♂️

If you recently subscribed to the app, it will continue to work through 2022. Although not fully optimized, it is compatible with iOS 15.

If you were a user/fan, thank you for your support!

POPtorious! & POP Jr!:

Unfortunately, POPtorious (our first app!) and its sister app, POP Jr!, are also being depreciated. I had hoped to breathe new life into both, but I have encountered several roadblocks over the last few years. Rather than teasing fans, I have decided to postpone update development indefinitely.

Thank you for your support, and appreciate your patience as I update my app portfolio. I’m doing my best to develop NEW and EXCITING apps. 

Despite COVID-19’s persistence, I’m chugging along and have many exciting updates and new apps on my roadmap. I can’t wait to share them with you –––– soon!

iOS 14.6 Alert that TimeCruncher will no longer work.

Well hell.
Despite what I was led to believe, TimeCruncher will no longer work with devices updated to iOS 14.6.x or higher.

I am working on version 2 [of the app] and hope to release it before iOS 15. 🤞🏻🤞🏻

Version 2 is being written from the ground up and includes an all-new design.
When released, “TimeCruncher 2.0” will meet Apple’s newest compliance requirements and introduce a few requested features. 🥳

If you are interested in being alerted when the update is available, consider signing up for my (occasional) email updates.

You’ll find a sign-up block on the right-hand side of this post. 👉🏻

TimeCruncher Alert

TimeCruncher users may have noticed an alert from Apple indicating that” ‘TimeCruncher’ Needs to Be Updated.” And that if it isn’t, the “app will not work with future versions of iOS.”  

At this time, there is no need to panic. The TimeCruncher app continues to work as advertised.
Thankfully, this is just a warning and will not disable or change how the app works (for users running iOS 6 thru 14). 

However, it’s unlikely that the app will work for users who update to the next version of Apple’s mobile operating system (iOS 15, tentatively scheduled to arrive in the fall of this year).

I am currently working on version 2 of the app and hope to release it before iOS 15 is released.
Version 2 is being written from the ground up and includes an all-new design. When released, “TimeCruncher 2” will meet all of Apple’s upcoming compliance requirements and introduce a few requested features. 🥳

If you are interested in being alerted when the app update is available, consider signing up for my (occasional) email updates. You’ll find a sign-up block on the right-hand side of this post. 👉🏻

Last week a few of you may have noticed that some of Daily Sage’s morning notifications failed to arrive on your iPhones and iPads. This resulted from some unexpected changes made to the backend server we utilize to handle and distribute our app’s notifications worldwide. 

We are working with our provider to fix the issue, but could use your help. 

If you have a moment, please fill out this brief survey. Your participation will help us better troubleshoot any ongoing issues and will improve the user experience, overall. 

Thank you, in advance.

Apple on schedule to release iOS 14 this fall.
Here is a list of all of our apps and their compatibility with iOS 14. 

Daily Sage:

We are on a supplemental release (version 1.6.2 for both iPhone and iPad) that will hopefully fix a sign-in issue a few users have reported.

If you are an active subscriber but are unable to sign in to the app, please bear with us as we hunt down and squash that bugs.

We hope to have the update available by the end of this month. 


We’re still working on a major update to our popular TimeCruncher app. Until it’s ready, the current version (tho not optimized for the iPhone X series) is 64-bit and will run on any iOS14+ compatible device. 


Though not optimized for the iPhone X series, Knowtify is also 64-bit and will run on any iOS14+ compatible device. 

POPtorious! & POP Jr!:

Unfortunately, POPtorious (our first app!) and its sister app, POP Jr!, both need adjustments before they will be ready to take advantage of iOS 14. We hope to make those adjustments soon but have been sidelined by COVID-19. We’re currently prioritizing the development of a few other (new) apps and, as such, have removed the apps from sale until we can adequately update them. At this time, we do not have a timeline for when these apps will be updated & re-released.

As always, we thank you for your support and appreciate your patience as we update our existing app portfolio and develop NEW and EXCITING apps to make your life a little better. 

Despite COVID-19, we’re moving forward and have lots of exciting updates and new apps on our roadmap. We look forward to sharing them ALL with you, soon!

In June of 2019, Uber revoked the APIs that allowed us to integrate with their car-hailing service.

As a result, Knowtify can no longer help facilitate an inexpensive Uber ride on your behalf. We will continue to monitor the available options and if these policies are updated, modified or changed, and we are again able to integrate with their service, we will make every effort to re-introduce this feature. 😏

October 28, 2019 Apple, iOS App, iPhone, Knowtify

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