Well hell.
Despite what I was led to believe, TimeCruncher will no longer work with devices updated to iOS 14.6.x or higher.
I am working on version 2 [of the app] and hope to release it before iOS 15. 🤞🏻🤞🏻
Version 2 is being written from the ground up and includes an all-new design.
When released, “TimeCruncher 2.0” will meet Apple’s newest compliance requirements and introduce a few requested features. 🥳
If you are interested in being alerted when the update is available, consider signing up for my (occasional) email updates.
You’ll find a sign-up block on the right-hand side of this post. 👉🏻
Tuesday morning, Apple formally announced the release date for iOS 11: September 19th.
All iOS updates come with change, both good and bad. In most cases, Apple gives us the tools to push our ideas further and our apps improve as a result. Occasionally, they remind us that some apps need extra polish, while others may be ready to retire. iOS 11 is an exciting update, but one that is forcing such change. Below is a list of all of our apps and their compatibility with iOS 11.
Effective 9/19/17:
Knowtify & Daily Sage:
Our latest (and most popular) apps are fully 64-bit and iOS11 compatible! #phew
We’re working on cosmetic updates to make both shine on the iPhone X.
We’re working on an update, but the current version is 64-bit and iOS11 compatible.
Spam Alert:
Our original flagship app is not yet 64-bit compatible and therefore not available on iOS 11. Tho disappointing, anyone who previously installed the app (in iOS 10 or earlier) will STILL be able to take advantage of the app’s primary feature: warning when spam is calling.
Until we’re able to update the app, new numbers cannot and will not be blocked, but any of the previous numbers (more than 1,500) will continue to be blocked. #highfive
POPtorious! & POP Jr!:
Unfortunately, POPtorious (our first app!) and its sister app, POP Jr!, both need a few adjustments before they will be ready to take advantage of iOS 11. We hope to make those adjustments soon so that we can get them back in the app store for existing users to continue playing and for new users to discover.
At this time, we have decided to retire reFaced. When reFaced debuted, it was a popular way to swap faces with your friends and family. But, as bigger, better apps (like Snap) hit the market, we have been unable to keep up. Instead of rebuilding reFaced (from the ground up), we’ve decided to pour our efforts into improving our existing library and creating new and exciting apps.
As always, we thank you for your support and appreciate your patience as we update our existing apps.
We have lots of exciting updates and new apps on our roadmap and we look forward to sharing them ALL with you!
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